
Darrell Dela Cruz

They misplaced your horn

twice as long as your self

and going straight through.

How many hours did it take

to craft your solid eyes,

glazed black, always open?

Rust rotates you in circles;

The young man controlling

you with his thighs; the old

man manipulates your placement:

parking lots and piers where the salt

continuously exposes your original color.

Darrell Dela Cruz’s work has appeared in Saw Palm, The Minetta Review, Crab Orchard Review, Studio One, Steam Ticket, and Cider Press Review. He has a blog where he analyzes poems: ddcpoetry.blogspot.com. He graduated with an MFA in poetry from San Jose State University.


I’ve Seen Texas Twice in Person and Once on FaceTime, and I’m Good Now


A Sponsor Lost, a Friendship Found